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"Taste of Chocolate" Healthy Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie without Yogurt

Here is a delicious and healthy recipe for a blueberry almond milk smoothie. This smoothie is perfect for breakfast or as a refreshing snack.

Made with fresh blueberries, almond milk, and a few simple ingredients, it's easy to make and packed with nutrients. It's a great way to start your day or to fuel your body after a workout, and is filling enough that it will make you forget about using yogurt ever again!

smoothie in a glass topped with blueberries

This smoothie recipe takes me back to when I broke my jaw long before Smoothie King, Jamba Juice, Juiceland, etc. existed. My mouth was wired shut for six weeks, so I was on a liquid diet for the entire period. Needless to say, my blender became my best friend.

I tried all different types of ingredients and combinations from savory to sweet, dairy vs. non-dairy, ice and no ice, and indulgent to healthy. Yogurt, however, was a consistent ingredient both for the consistency it brought and the protein. Given I couldn’t eat solid food a protein source was crucial.

Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie Ingredients

blueberries in a bowl
  • Blueberries
  • Old-fashioned Oats
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Almond Milk
  • Banana
  • Ice

How To Make A Smoothie without Yogurt

With the exception of some cheese and limited butter use, we try to be as dairy-free as possible. Initially, this presented some challenges as yogurt has been a core smoothie ingredient for me. I knew If I were going to make a smoothie sans the yogurt, I’d need to find a replacement for both the creamy consistency and the protein source.

I relied on two different ingredients to meet each need. Almond milk was my source for consistency. When paired with a banana you get that thick creaminess similar to what yogurt adds. I added whole oats for their protein among other things. Then for a bit of indulgence, I added just a taste of chocolate.

For this all to come together add all the ingredients to the blender and blend according to your blender settings. Ice is optional, but I like it for added texture and for the big chill.

Tips For Blending Smoothies

  • Start with a liquid base: using a liquid base such as almond milk, coconut milk, yogurt, or juice helps to blend the ingredients smoothly and makes the smoothie easier to drink.
  • Ice is primarily to add a chill, but if you prefer lukewarm to slightly cold smoothie go without. Frozen or refrigerated ingredients provide sufficient temps from a coldness standpoint
  • Freeze your bananas ahead of time for a thicker consistency. Check-out this tutorial for freezing bananas if needed.
  • Add leafy greens: adding spinach, kale, or other leafy greens to your smoothie is a great way to boost the nutritional content.
  • Use a high-speed blender: a high-speed blender can blend ingredients more effectively than a regular blender, resulting in a smoother smoothie.
  • Gradually add ingredients: adding ingredients gradually allows you to control the consistency of the smoothie, and prevents overloading the blender.
  • Experiment with different ingredients: don’t be afraid to try new ingredients and create different flavors.
  • Add healthy fats: adding healthy fats such as avocado, chia seeds, or flax seeds will help keep you full and add texture to the smoothie.
  • Add protein: adding protein powder or Greek yogurt can help keep you full and provide energy.
  • Sweeten to taste: add a natural sweetener like honey, maple syrup or dates to taste.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are other benefits of oats/oatmeal?

Oats have the added benefit of being high in fiber and thus adds a certain level of satiety or that feeling of being full. Oatmeal also does wonders for cholesterol and heart health. I consume it daily in some form or another but mostly in smoothies, overnight cold oats, or hot bowl of oatmeal. For more in-depth guide for cooking oatmeal and recipes using oats try my guide for how to make oatmeal.

Since I eat oatmeal daily one for the taste but two to keep the cholesterol and heart in check I use smoothies to break up the monopoly. This is a blueberry smoothie made without yogurt and features heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering ingredients like blueberriesdark chocolate, and oats but tastes good enough to be a dessert. That lil bit of chocolate takes this to another level.

Can I Make This Almond Milk Smoothie Without Ice?

Ice is optional in this recipe. Ice has its pros and cons. Ice adds to the consistency and makes the smoothie cold and a bit more refreshing. I like my smoothies ice cold vs luke-warm so If I go without ice, I will be sure to use frozen fruit, including freezing bananas ahead of time.

What can I use instead of yogurt in a smoothie?

  • You can use other liquid bases such as almond milk, coconut milk, juice, or even water.
  • Silken tofu is a good alternative for a creamy texture.
  • Frozen fruit will also help make the smoothie thicker.

How can I make my smoothie thicker without yogurt?

  • You can use frozen fruit, such as frozen bananas, berries, or mango, to thicken the smoothie.
  • Avocado, chia seeds, and flax seeds can also be added to increase the thickness.

Can I make a smoothie without yogurt and still get protein?

  • Yes, you can add protein powder, nut butter, or seeds like chia or hemp to your smoothie for a boost of protein.

How can I make my smoothie sweeter without yogurt?

  • You can add natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or dates to taste.
  • You can also use fruits with a high sugar content like mango, pineapple, or ripe banana

Can I make a smoothie without yogurt and still make it creamy?

  • Silken tofu is a great alternative to yogurt for a creamy texture.
  • Avocado is also a great option for a creamy texture and healthy fats.
  • You can also use nut milk like coconut milk or cashew milk to make your smoothie creamy.

For other oat based recipes you might like, try these:

Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie

Instant Pot Oatmeal

Savory Oatmeal

Peaches and Cream Oatmeal

Strawberry Oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Coconut Cherry Overnight Oats

Mango Pineapple Smoothie

Overnight Blueberry Oatmeal

Raspberry Oatmeal Smoothie

Mango Turmeric Smoothie

Vegan Peach Oatmeal Smoothie

This blueberry almond milk smoothie with oats is a vigorous and invigorating recipe that is perfect for summer days. With a combination of fruity and nutty flavors, this smoothie packs in some great health benefits that come from blueberries, almonds, oats, and almond milk. Invigorate yourself with this revitalizing smoothie recipe and make it right now!

If you make this delicious and healthy almond milk-based blueberry smoothie please come back and leave me a comment below with your feedback. Definitely take a photo of the dish and be sure to tag #foodfidelity so that I can see them.

You can also keep up with my food exploits as well as original recipes! You can find me on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and Pinterest. If you like any of the music you find on the site, visit me at Spotify to find curated monthly playlists.

smoothie in a glass topped with blueberries

Blueberry Oatmeal Smoothie w/ Chocolate

Author: Marwin Brown


  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • ¼ cup whole oats
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 banana optional
  • ½ cup almond milk


  • Place all ingredients and blender and mix until smooth


for additional Omega3 add a tablespoon of flax seeds
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Recipe Rating


Saturday 18th of April 2020

Hey! I just tried this and it was delicious. I didn’t have a banana so I added in some honey to compensate for the lack of sweetness.

Marwin Brown

Saturday 18th of April 2020

Awesome! Thanks

Prentice Frye

Friday 6th of July 2018

I've prepared this smoothie twice this week. I prepared this smoothy exactly as directed and the consistency was perfect. The flavor was outstanding. Before attempting this recipe, I'd never used cocoa powder in a smoothy. The cocoa powder with the cinnamon was a huge difference maker. This makes me want to add those ingredients to some of my smoothy staples just to see how the flavor profile is improved.

The other great thing about this recipe is the fact that it works as an easy breakfast just as easily as a dessert.

Keep these coming! I'd love to try some of Food Fidelity's other smoothies. I know there are more.


Friday 6th of July 2018

I got you covered. More smoothie recipes in the que!Note the blueberry, cinnamon, and cocoa powder combo also works great in hot or cold oatmeal.